complete surrender

On the table preparing me for the massage, it felt like a corpse was being prepared to its final destination, so to speak. This is how I envisioned that kind of preparation would take place. The two women, twin sisters, young, dressed in white all over, with little words, worked in total symmetrical sync, each on a side of my big body. They were listening to my body it seems, and soon developed a syncing mechanism with it: just before my hands were about to fall off the stretcher in complete surrender, they picked them up gently, oiled them, massaged them, like in a vivid dream where you are not sure if the awaken person dictated the order, or the dreamer did: did desire dictate the act, or the act that dictated the desire? I will never know. All I know is that before my hands slipped, they were picked up safely by their gentle symmetrical hands. Before I knew it, my blood Circulation was thanking them.


age shift


elegance of a diva