


When you hear yourself saying new words for the first time… words that you have heard others repeat and had been waiting for that right appropriate time to become yours … At first you don’t recognize your own voice… it takes a few rounds for them to be accepted into your vocabulary… then all your other friendly words line up to watch the new comer do the pledge and officially make it to their cult. A celebration follows… When the new member had a bit too much to drink, she turns into metaphors and rolls in a bed of music and poetry.




I want to get one more chance to accompany her to the tailor; to try out her "pied de poule" woolen coat… and I want the tailor to make us coffee in her apartment that smells like cinnamon on a winter afternoon. I want my mother to go and try the coat.. and i want to say to myself I wish I had her blue eyes… and her calmness and serenity, her unique femininity… and grace.. I want to pretend I like the coffee that the tailor’s assistant Yasmine is serving us…in her house by the sea, in Ain El Mreisseh. Just one more chance..



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Growing old is like when you start losing your vocal capacities in a silent manner. You try to sing your old tough song that you used to be so proud of performing. But right before you get close to the high note, the real test, your vocal cords silently announce the coming of an imminent vocal impotence of some kind. So you navigate around it and you use your other faculties, be them bodily or mental, to outsmart that coming of old age.. just to distract yourself and the supposed listener next to you. You make a spontaneous remix of that song and soften the peaks and curb the highs. Next time you will be skilled at this detour and your focus will be directed onto something else. Just like an older lady will get over her lack of desirability by injecting wit into her aura in compensation for her withering beauty.

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When you are happy, loud music does not bother you; you would be immersed in it like everyone else there, feeling part of the group, bathing in the same foam, not just watching people and getting annoyed by them like grouchy old people sometimes; just like Smoke would not annoy you when you are smoking. Similarly, in a health club, loud exercise music would only excite you to do more and faster exercise when in sync with the instructor’ steps; all those scenes would aggravate you when you are off season.